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Posted by:
Paul Fullylove (pfully2002@hotmail.com), 26/03-2009 17:53
Hi Aki,

What was your best/favourite game for Palace.

Thanks & take


My reply:
Hi Paul,
with a doubt the best day of my entire life was the Playoff game in Cardiff. Everything i hold dear and had ever worked for culminated to that game.

Posted by:
Anil Oner (anil_oner@yahoo.com), 21/03-2009 10:45
As much as I'd like to see you back at Palace, I've read that you've signed for San Jose Earthquakes. Is this true, and if so can you tell me the number you will be wearing so that I can buy one of their overpriced shirts?


My reply:
Hi Anil,
lets leave shirts and concentrate on Palace and Dif season for now on. Lets say the football can be little bit slippery from the edges.

Posted by:
Matt (ma5an@windowslive.com), 21/03-2009 10:25
Hello Aki !
What on earth(quake) happened in San Jose? Are you going to join the club or not? I have been following your career since Vålerenga and now I'm looking forward to reading your observations from the American way of life and footb...soccer. Hopefully you're recovering from injuries.
Take care,

My reply:
Hello and thanks Matt,
unfortunately I will not become Borat of US, there is already one over there in San Jose.

Posted by:
julius dela cruz (jhong_power@yahoo.com), 21/03-2009 04:14
can you please translate this sentence to english please...
1.Wie geht ees dir ? 2.Mir geht es gut , Danke.

pls send to my email pls

My reply:
I was only one year in Germany but i think it means that someone is horny for carrots. You are welcome.

Posted by:
Jeff Carlisle (eljefe1@yahoo.com), 08/03-2009 20:26
Hi Aki - Jeff Carlisle of Center Line Soccer here in San Jose. So what is your side of the story as to why San Jose passed on you? Were you really injured?

My reply:
Hi Jeff,
no story, no injury, not even a training for me.

Posted by:
Peter (kinggallagher@hotmail.com), 08/03-2009 17:46
Hej Aki
tråkigt att läsa att affären med San jose sprack. Men jag hoppas att vi får se dig kämpa för DIF igen nu. Vi behöver rivjärn på mitten framförallt i derbyna! Ha det gott Aki

My reply:
Tack Peter,
jag vet inte exakt vad hände men tyvärr sånt är livet av och till. Nu är jag frisk igjen och gjör mitt bästa för att spela för klubben igjen.

Posted by:
Penny Hutchinson (pennyhutch@blueyonder.co.uk), 06/03-2009 18:37
Hi Aki
Do we take it from your article 'Coffee and Life' that your last year in Stockholm hasn't been too good?
What I really need to know is. are you going to be at Selhurst Park for the charity match on the 29th March? I really hope so as I wasn't able to get to Dougie's testimonial so I missed you there. That would make my day...well season actually!!!( Things aren't too much fun down here at present!)

My reply:
Hi Penny!
Great to hear from a true Eagle. Yes, i have had downturn lately, a real disaster to be honest, but i have always worked my way through from cloudy days. Which i am sure Palace will do too. Remember that the faith is in people and it is always a good day to be an Eagle. Unfortunately i am not able to come to that event. But it all will turn for better.

Posted by:
Ned Zuparko (ned@soccersiliconvalley.com), 24/02-2009 00:46
Hi Aki,
I just wanted to welcome you to the San Jose Earthquakes. I think you will find this to be a great stop in your career journey, and I think the fans are going to really like you.
By the way, you mention the Special Olympics on your website - check out www.ssvcf.org. We are interested in supporting players in their community involvement interests whenever we can. Good luck this year!

My reply:
Hi Ned,
Special Olympics is absolute great and honorable organization which i have been privileged to work with. I have absolutely no idea about the city and havent start training yet. Hopefully it will be all good.

Posted by:
Jakob Lipczynski (jakob.lipczynski@comhem.se), 20/02-2009 01:35

Jag använder den här möjligheten att kontakta dig ännu en gång utan att ställa en fråga. Lämna inte Djurgårdens IF nu. Snälla, gör inte det! Jag vet, Göran, Zoran och Andrée verkar inte vilja ha dig kvar. Men om du stannar och visar att du mer än väl kan tillföra väldigt mycket så kanske de ändrar sig under resans gång. Jag och många med mig tror på dig!

Bli kvitt skadorna och kom tillbaka starkare än förut.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Jakob Lipczynski

My reply:
tyvärr jag är så fulständigt oenigt med nästän alt som händer i klubben just nu, både lederskap och fotboll går inte mot rätt håll, tycker jag. Men föreningen är bra och jag gjör mitt absolut bäste för klubben varje dag jag är där. Jag orkar inte klaga så måste bara jobba mer för att alt vänder mot bätre i slutet.

Posted by:
ra-mi (ra-mi@suomi24,fi), 16/02-2009 22:50
Terve Aki !
löytyykö sinun loistavia juttuja suomalaisista lehdistä tai
koska tulet tv;n puolelle.
- Ra-mi
Ps meiltä puuttuu kunnon futis ohjelma ja siihen isäntä ( tulevaisuudessa )

My reply:
Terve Ra-mi,
yritän aktivoitua kirjoittamispuolella, tai siis niiden julkaisemisessa tänne, Iltalehteen, Hesariin, ties mihin sitä tulee välillä heitettyä omia yhteiskunnallisia ja palloilullisia kannanottoja omaan borat -tyylini ;)

1-10 : 11-20 : 21-30 : lisää kysymyksiä

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